Pan Seared Mushrooms in a Cilantro Basil Sauce with Candied Ginger

Pan Seared Mushrooms in a Cilantro Basil Sauce with Candied Ginger

1/2 Cup button mushrooms

1 Large Onion

2 tomatoes

1 tsp cayenne

1 piece of garlic

1 tsp cumin

1tsp coriander

1 tsp curry powder/ garam masala

2 tablespoon coconut milk

1/4 cup cilantro

1/4 cup basil

Salt to taste

Vegetable Oil/ Canola

An inch of fresh ginger(optional) for garnish


Chop up the onion, garlic and tomatoes finely. Remove the stems of the mushrooms and cut them into half. Take a wet paper cloth and wipe them to take off any dirt on them. Take a pan, add a teaspoon oil, transfer the chopped onion, garlic and saute for a minute or two. Add cumin, coriander, cayenne, curry powder and salt to taste.

Then transfer the mushrooms and saute with the rest for about 5 min’s or so. For the sauce, add cilantro, basil and coconut milk in a blender and blend well. Add salt to taste. Transfer the sauce to the pan and cook for 2 min’s under a low flame.

For the garnish, cut the ginger into thin strips length wise and saute with some honey or sugar.

Plate and Enjoy!!!

Watch me Cook at Williams Sonoma!

Hi everyone,

I am excited to be cooking in front of an audience for the second time(first time was @Master Chef)!!!

I want to invite all my friends and supporters over if you want to taste some currylicious samplers of my dishes:)

Let me know who all are in?

For all who are interested, e mail me at and will send you a personal invite!

I will upload some pictures of the cooking demo@Williams Sonoma next week! So tune in to catch up with me again!

Thanks and with much love…..

Is there something as Healthy Chips?

Is there something as Healthy Chips?

Kale is low in saturated fat and in cholesterol but high in protein and contains Vitamin E , thiamine, riboflavin and is high in dietary fiber!
This is the best and quickest way I have eaten Kale ever.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
Place kale leaves in parchment paper on a baking pan
Drizzle olive oil , sprinkle some sea salt, red pepper flakes and garlic powder. I add some curry powder but of course!!!!
Take it out after 7 minutes and your outcome is Crisp Spicy Kale chips ! Enjoy with a dip like yogurt dip!

You can make and eat healthy chips in less than 10 minutes!!!!!

You can even add some minced garlic along with the kale before you place in the oven or even add some nuts like pine nuts or almonds for crunch!

If you dont want it to be spicy, you need not add the red pepper flakes:) and still enjoy Healthy Chips while watching a movie or a game!

Top 24 of Master Chef Season 3! DID I DESERVE TO KEEP MY APRON????

Top 24 of Master Chef Season 3! DID I DESERVE TO KEEP MY APRON????

All of you have already heard my story of winning the judges over and the Master Chef Apron!

So the next challenge was the beef challenge! We followed the judges into this room and as I am standing in the front row, I could see that our stations for Top 36 are all set up. Behind all that is this huge “warehouse” pantry! I call it so because there are all kinds of veggies and nuts, milk, cream and herbs and OMG what not?

My mind is racing as I watch and observe it and all of a sudden I see these huge chunks of beef just hanging down and making its way on either side of the room!

I was ready to throw up to say the least.

1) Being a VEGETARIAN, the beef challenge was definitely the most challenging since I had NEVER EVER cooked MEAT in my life!!!!

2) I was very assertive to all the 3 judges that my principles and beliefs do not let me taste meat and so I NEVER TASTED my BEEF DISH!!!!

3) Does that make me handicapped like Christine who’s blind??? Ofcourse it does, the only senses that were working for me while cooking beef was smell. 

Now while we stand there waiting to collect our beef, I hear this huge loud noise behind me, the doors open and there it is the beef grinding machine or whatever you call it! Joe and Graham take their positions on either side and we all stand in a line to collect our beef.

Meantime, I am the last one standing on the line to collect Beef and I am thinking- Will I pass out ? or Can I do this?

I have always been very different girl growing up in India since my childhood in the sense that I always voiced my opinions and I am extremely strong mentally!

I try to give everything my best and be happy with what I have done rather than give up and regret the whole idea of what I had started.

So like any sane, strong person would do, I said to myself- Lets do it! I am taking up this challenge and giving it my best. I have NO IDEA on the TEXTURE of beef NOR was I going to TASTE IT  BUT AND here’s a huge BUT——–I LOVE TO TAKE UP CHALLENGES AND with THE CONFIDENCE OF BEING A GOOD COOK, I knew I was going to give it my best and give them a decent dish.

It was my turn to collect the beef in a bowl that was given to me and suddenly JOE remarks ” OH! YOU ARE THE VEGETARIAN IN THE SHOW”

and I am like “Yes” . He has the usual smirk on his face and says” I want to see what you come up with”? and I simply smiled.

Now Graham looks up to me and is like” Isnt Cow considered like the holy animal in India?” and I am like “Well, yes! I am sure my mom and my family would disown me if they see me cooking beef  but I love challenges so bring it on!”

Now Were they trying to mess up with my head????? I HAVE NO CLUE!

I go back to my station and Gordon screams “Your time starts now”

I run to the pantry and its craziness —people stepping on me and pulling stuff-utterly chaotic! So what do I make????

I see spinach, cilantro and mint so I grab those first. Then I see some Israeli Cous Cous, Potatoes and Peanuts!

With regards to spices, the only Indian spices that I found were cumin and cinnamon. I decide to pick those up as well.

I come back to my station and start cooking. I cook my spinach and put it in a blender with my mint and cilantro and make my sauce.

I also saute some garlic, onions and tomatoes with the spices that I have and throw that in the blender as well to complete my sauce. Meantime I am trying to start on my Israeli Cous Cous and THERE YOU GO AGAIN! THE GAS REFUSES TO TURN ON! I am screaming like a mad person—-Frank Mirando my fellow contestant and a good friend is looking at me helplessly! After about 5 minutes of screaming ” My gas is switched off and cant turn it on — I cant cook – somebody help” There is this guy who comes crawling underneath and does something and the gas starts working ! I am relieved and start cooking my Israeli Cous Cous and Potatoes. I wanted to toast some peanuts in a pan so I am trying to work simultaneously with all the burners that I am given and lo and behold! The whole thing goes OFF AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

I am literally on the verge of crying – and screaming” Somebody fix my burners and gas” It switches off each time I start to work on a new burner ” I struggle to cook my beef with the one burner that started working while the technician works on the others. I lose so much time hustling with the burners and the gas that I hear Gordon scream” 2 min’s to plate”. I dont even have the plates picked from the pantry for plating. So I run a marathon to go get whatever plates my eyes laid on first and pick the, run back to my station and throw everything that I cooked on it and by then, TIME’S UP!!!!

We are asked to leave the room and let the judges taste and make their decisions!!!!I have a splitting headache by the end of this and am about to pass out.

Once the judges finish tasting, we are called back into the room. All of us stand in our respective stations and Gordon announces” The 12 of you whose names I call out come and stand to the right of me” and they all stand as per Gordon’s instructions:

Group 1: These are Ryan Umane, Samantha de Silva, Becky Reams, Mike Hill, Felix Fang, Scott Little, Tali Clavijo, Stacey Amagrande, Helene Leeds, Michael Chen, Joshua Marks, and Frank Mirando!

Group 2: The other set of 12 who were asked to stand on the left side of the judges were ” Krystal Mandap, Brain Kho, Audrey McGinnis, Nichelle Wright, Raiza Costa, Kaimana Chee, El Bronco, Melanie Lowry, Barry Plunkett, Thomas Wright, Kim Maloof and Joel Ringrose.

The other group of 12 of us including me are standing in our stations staring at everything and totally in shock!

Gordon finally announces that the group of people (Group 1) standing to his right has impressed them so much that they are going straight to the Top 18 where as the other group (Group 2) to his left has proved they are way over there head and will be going home:(

I am shocked and looking at the people who walk past me leaving the room- they had some amazing cooks whom I knew were truly talented:(

Well, the story aint over yet! I am standing there in my station- my heart beating so loud that I bet the entire room could hear it with so much of silence and tension ! The judges now ask us -the contestants standing in the work stations to come over to the front.

Group 3: Nandini Anant(thats me), Bubba Strickland, David Mack, David Martinez, Tanya Noble, Christine Ha, Rami Rassas, Sherine Taylor, Anna Rossi, AJ Rossi, Monti Carlo, Courtney Carey.

They decided to choose David Mack, David Martinez, Tanya Noble, Anna Rossi, Monti Carlo and Christine Ha to join the rest of the 12 contestants to make the TOP 18 who will enter the Master Chef kitchen. The rest were asked to drop their aprons and go back home.

Now here’s the question???? DID I DESERVE TO KEEP MY APRON????

According to, “Nandini is next and she makes Beef & Spinach Curry with Israeli Couscous and Potatoes. Graham says everything is cooked properly, but doesn’t scream out with flavor. Chef Ramsay says the flavors are good.”


REALLY?  FOR A PERSON WHO NEVER EVER COOKED BEEF IN HER LIFE, NEVER TASTED BEEF or HER DISH—–There were people who cooked beef all their life and did not get it right—-it wasnt cooked properly, well the judges made the comments themselves on the show on how undercooked their beef was or how overcooked it was?

GORDON RAMSAY even makes 2 or 3 digs on my plate and says” THE FLAVORS ARE GOOD”. Why in the name of God wouldnt you let me proceed to the TOP 18?

If I can cook beef well without even knowing about it or cooking it for the first time and after even having not tasted it, why on earth would you send me back home???

More than half the country is struggling to achieve Vegetarianism and wants to follow and maintain it rather than slip and fall back into eating meat again. They need help, they need more recipes, more good vegetarian food with variety!!!

Also, they need absolutely healthy but delicious recipes to cook up in a few minutes at home everyday!


I must also say this that I am immensely thankful for the opportunity that the Judges gave me on Master Chef. It was an absolutely fun, learning experience and I have taken away the best and positive experience with me!

Thanks to all my followers on facebook and twitter who have showered their love and support in this journey of mine- You are the best audience!




My Baked Okra Lasagna!

My Baked Okra Lasagna!


I have been cooking up a storm this last weekend! Why? The reason being………YAY I am one of the Top 36 in Master Chef USA Season 3 &

all my friends have been calling me and wanting to just barge in and see whats cooking in my kitchen:)

Me and my family love one vegetable and thats OKRA!!!! Some of my friends are not huge fans of it so I decided to make something creative yet healthy and currylicious for them so they fall in love with it:)

I made whats called “My Baked Okra Lasagna” – thats right! I baked my Okra after slitting ’em and applying my special curry rub on ’em!

Then I layer it with a curried onion tomato sauce and its ready in no time……This is such a great dish to prepare if you have guests to entertain who are vegetarians!

Slit the okra, apply my curry rub, throw ’em in a baking pan and in goes it for about 20 minutes at 360 degrees! Meanwhile I chop up some onions, garlic and tomatoes real fine and make an onion tomato sauce with my blend of curry powder & spices ….

Take your baking pan with the okra out and stack’ em up one layer of okra and one layer of onion tomato paste!

Absolutely healthy and currylicious….try this out and you will thank me:) for falling in love with “Okra”