
Tuesdays are always tough since my kids go for ice skating lessons and we end up coming back so late after their class. Tuesday nights – we usually end up making veggie quesadillas or pizzas. Its so much fun as they help me in the cooking process and are so excited to be a part of any small task that I have to offer them.

Yesterday was one such evening and my kids wanted Pizza. Now I knew I had some left over quinoa and some pasta sauce lying in my refrigerator. So I had an idea. I wanted to try a healthy spin and see if my kids would notice a little bit of cheating from my side! to try and get my  kids to eat healthy.

I have a 30 minute pizza dough recipe that works wonders when you are hard pressed for time. But if you want to save that trouble you could certainly buy store bought pizza dough.

I tried to mix the left over cooked quinoa with the pasta sauce and also tried to pack it with flavour using some finely chopped fresh garlic and some dried basil. I smothered the flavor packed quinoa spread on the pizza base and topped it with some cheese and onions. I used one half for the kids and the other half i also topped it with some spicy jalapenos for the adults:)

Anyway all of us loved it. It was a  big hit. The kids asked for more and i was one lucky happy mom! So i thought of sharing this idea with all of you.

I am also attaching a picture that I clicked before we dug in:)
