Bread Upma is one of the most fun ways to make use of left over bread. It is simple and quick and can be made with as limited ingredients in the pantry as possible. Basic ingredients like bread, onion, tomato and garlic are ingredients used for this recipe.


Left over bread chopped up into even cubes

Onion- 1 Large

Tomato- 1 medium

5-6 cloves of Garlic chopped fine

Fresh Ginger -optional

Green chilies- 2

Salt to taste

Any oil

Spices- a tsp of chili powder, turmeric, curry/ garam masala powder

Cilantro for garnish


Take a pan and place under low-medium flame and add 1 tablespoon of oil. Add cumin seeds and curry leaves and wait till they splutter.

Now add chopped ginger, garlic and onions to the pan.

Add salt to taste with all the spices – chili powder, turmeric and curry powder in it and mix well.

Now toss in chopped tomatoes. Mix well and add another tablespoon of oil. Add 100 ml water and cook by keeping covered till it gets to a soup or broth consistency.

Toss in chopped pieces of bread and mix gently

If you like it soft you only need to cook for another 4-5 minutes, if you like it crispy then you may want to leave it on for another 10 minutes while keeping a watch.

Transfer to a bowl and garnish with cilantro.


Credits to this video goes to my beautiful daughter Ananya Vikram.