Master Chef season 3 airs today June 4th at 9pm on Fox channel and tomorrow Jun 5th as well!

Watch me cook my signature dish tomorrow! Do you think I will get an apron from Gordon, Graham and Joe?

I would love to know what you guys thought about my Signature dishes after you watch the show!

I was blessed to meet some very talented wonderful people at the auditions and I am posting a picture of this person who has become such a good friend of mine. She s none other than Samantha Kate! She s the sweetest girl I have ever met and my roommate! We had such fun throughout the show and I personally thought she should have got an apron:(

Here s a picture of me with Samantha!

Tune in to my blog to view more pictures and interesting stuff from the auditions of Master Chef!


You can see my disappointment and my husband s when Sam didn’t get an Apron. Are you kidding me? That Quadruple Carrot Cake was delish!
