ACTIFRY by TFAL was introduced to me by one of my friends Michele. When she said to me that ACTIFRY uses 1 teaspoon of oil to fry anything starting from potatoes to any veggies like beans, carrots, zucchini you name it and these veggies get crispy in 20 minutes or less with ONE teaspoon of oil!
My blog screams out healthy and I was skeptical but knowing me, I knew I was going to try and test it out. My first trial with ACTIFRY was with BITTERGOURD also known as BITTERMELON! I am not sure how many of you have heard about this vegetable or eaten it but from the name it is a bitter vegetable that has to be seasoned well to cut out its bitterness.
Why Bittergourd?
Bittergourd is a popularly used and scientifically proven vegetable that has the ability to lower blood glucose in diabetics.
Very low in calories. The pods are rich in phytonutrients like dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants.
Bitter melon notably contains phyto-nutrient, polypeptide-P; a plant insulin known to lower blood sugar level
Fresh pods are an excellent source of folates, vitamin-C and flavonoids such as beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthins. It also contains good amount of vitamin A.
Also a good source of Niacin (vitamin B-3), Pantothenic acid (vit.B-5), Pyridoxine (vit.B-6) and minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, manganese and magnesium.
Generally, people try to avoid this vegetable for its bitterness but if you weigh the health benefits and if you can find a way to cook it well by cutting off the bitterness then
its a gifted vegetable that should be included in all our diets!
My recipe also includes the use of 1 red potato just because I have tried the combination of bitter gourd with potatoes and it is truly delicious!
I used 2 Bittergourds and to cut the bitterness initially, I chop off the spikes that it has on the surface a little bit because that has the most bitterness.
Then I chop the ends of the vegetable and start cutting it out in round circles or rings. I did not use the pods and took them out but you may throw that in as well if you like! I also chop 1 red potato into wedges and 1/2 an onion lengthwise:)
The ACTIFRY comes with a green teaspoon that can be used to measure oil. I open the ACTIFRY lid, throw in the cut bittergourd as well as the wedged potatoes and the onions.
I sprinkle some salt, lemon pepper(i love tangy!!!) cayenne and a pinch of curry powder. I then add the oil that I have taken in the green teaspoon and pour it so that it covers most of the veggies!
I close the lid, set the timer(there’s a timer button where you can set for 20 minutes and if you want more crispy increase the timer to another 10 minutes or so).
and then PRESS THE BUTTON “ON”! I sit on my couch, watching MASTERCHEF on Fox and wait for the timer to beep! People, I am thinking how crisp can it get(saracasm)
and I am completely mistaken and the “ACTIFRY” truly proves me wrong:(
In 20 minutes I get crispy bitter gourd and potatoes and I ATE A WHOLE BOWL!!!!!TRUST ME guys- its worth the money- IF U LIKED FRIED AND ARE A HEALTH FREAK like me -get the “ACTIFRY”!
Its fantastic to have in everyone’s kitchen.
Hope you enjoyed and promise to try BITTERGOURD- ITS A MIRACLE VEGETABLE!
With much love as always…….
This sounds great! Have you ried okra in it? Do try a few more things and post so I can decide whether to make the 200 dollar investment!
I plan to try Okra today!!! So will keep you posted. Thanks!
Where can you get this gadget? I would love to try it out.
U can find this gadget in Bed Bath Beyond or online through Amazon. Thanks.
Any other recipes that you can share for actifry? I just bought one myself and I would love to know what other wonderful snacks that you have created using actifry!